Thursday, June 14, 2007

Drink Barq's..It's Good!

Soft drink collectors are avid about their vintage soft drink advertising. Hot brands are Cheerwine, Green River, Vernor's and Barq's.

Today, we will look at Barq's Root Beer. According to Pop Central Articles, Edward Charels Edmond Barq was born in New Orelans Vieux Carre district in 1871. He lived in France with his mother for awhile but returned to the US (New Orleans and then Biloxi, MS) to avoid French military service. He was a chemist and loved experimenting with soda pop flavors. At the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 Ed won a gold medal for one of his first soft drinks, orangine.

Barq bottled and sold his first soft drink in Biloxi in 1898. His concoction was different from the popular soft drinks of the time. Barq's had more "bite" than other root beers, partly from a higher level of carbonation and partly from a lower sugar content. In addition, it didn't have the traditional foamy head.
Personally, I'm not a root beer girl. I was a Delaware Punch drinker as a child and rarely drink soda pop as an adult.
However, that has not stopped me from devoting a complete store on eCrater to soda industry vintage advertising: THE SODA SHOPPE

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