Sunday, November 2, 2014

Creepy Vintage Ads

Sometimes you have to ask yourself: What were they thinking?  I run across ads that make me shudder.

For example vintage ads that use snakes. No thank you.

Does this ad make you want to jump out and buy a Kodak camera? That child is swallowing a snake
1934 Ad Cine Kodak Movie Camera

1982 Fidji Perfume Photo Ad
And of course we all drape a snake around our neck before we put on our perfume.

Sometimes it is the person in the ad that makes you think Oh No. For example this woman is traveling alone and is attracting this attention of this shadow man..Yeah I want to buy a ticket from the Golden State Limited to here! 
1905 Golden St Limited Railway Ad

And while kids are usually cute when in ads (except when handling snakes) sometimes they are just funny. This kid is so happy that it is a little creepy.

1934 Cream of Wheat Ad
Fear sells and one of my favorite is the ad for this film that will save you during an atomic bomb attack (you mean my first grade desk was not enough??)
I have many more including a whole line of ads for weed tire chains that include catastrophes such as going over a cliff and running over a child.

I have a Pinterest page dedicated to it too: Creepy ads on Pinterest

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