In 1948 Arthur "Spud" Melin and Richard Knerr founded WHAM-O®. It became known as the gurus of blockbuster fads. While most everyone knows they marketed the Hula Hoop and the Frisbee, did you know that in the 50's they had an entire line of sporting goods...especially for the hunter!
My particular interest in these 1956 ads is that my two brothers wanted every blow gun, dart gun and hunting slingshot that Wham-O could produce. My parent's were not as cooperative and I think the only thing they ever got was the slingshot. There was something just a little sketchy about sending away for something in the back of magazines, even if it was Field & Stream.
More Wham-O ads can be found in my store: Old Ad Store
I just finished writing a book celebrating 60 years inside the fun factory. It's called WHAM-O Super-Book and it was just released by Chronicle Books.
It was a different time, but you're right, there’s something very politically incorrect about WHAM-O’s weapons era. So many sharp points and projectiles. These weapons were supposedly for adults, but what 40-year-old really needs a Malayan Blowgun? What teenage boy doesn’t?
WHAM-O made a Malayan Blowgun, the Rifle Blowgun, the Borneo Hunting Blowgun, and even the Huf N’Puf Safe Blowgun, which shot suction-cup darts.
Check out the book (and the blowguns!) at: www.theplaymakers.com
Wow...great book! Congratulations on your achievement.
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